Day 8: “If that glare could move that’d be great”

Day 8 was one of the most restful and at the same time tiring days. While most of the class went to do laundry, Kiersten and I sat in the lobby for a few hours editing our pictures and combing through our audio as we attempted to cut it down from 15+ minutes to 90 seconds.

When the rest of the group came back from doing their laundry, Kiersten and I packed up our bags and headed out to the aptly named Old Museum on the also aptly named Museum Island (what a coincidence!). After the shenanigans of a missing UFID, figuring out where our bags needed to go and getting yelled at twice by security for having my bag behind me rather than in front of me, I realized that my camera battery was still in the charger back at the hotel. I knew it was going to happen at some point, and I’m glad it happened today of all days. So, please excuse my photos now, for all the ones at the museum were taken on my phone! The museum was pretty fantastic though! Three floors of non-stop paintings, sculptures and intricately designed ceilings. After about an hour we had to leave for the museum for our boat trip and, to be honest, we were both exhausted at that point.

That night we went on a riverboat cruise down the river Spree. It was nearly three hours of food, pictures, drinks and jokes. We quickly realized how poor our pictures were going to be as the glare from the windows only increased. So, naturally, we spent the entire night trying to take some of our worst pictures of the trip. We had asparagus soup, fish and chicken and some awesome crepes and ice cream for dinner! Afterward, we went to the top of the boat and watched the sunset as we coasted down the river. It was a delightful night and the end to a pretty relaxing day.

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